Our Bylaws
Bylaw I. Name.
The name of this organization shall be the Boston Area Neuroscience Group (BANG) Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience.
Bylaw II. Purpose.
The purpose of the BANG Chapter shall be a) to advance the understanding of nervous system, including the part the nervous system plays in determining behavior, by bringing together scientists of various backgrounds and by facilitating the integration of research directed at all levels of biological organization; b) to promote education in the neurosciences; and c) to inform the general public of the results and implications of current research in this area.
Bylaw III. Membership.
Section I. Regular Membership.
Regular membership in the BANG Chapter shall be open to any person holding advanced degree(s), residing in the State of Massachusetts, who is interested in the nervous system and behavior. In special cases persons not holding advanced degrees may be eligible for Regular Membership in the BANG Chapter, if approved by a majority vote of the Council. The exception to this are research assistants who are designated under the trainee category of the Chapter. Membership in the Chapter must be renewed annually.
Section II. Student Membership.
Student membership in the BANG Chapter shall be open to any person studying for undergraduate or graduate degrees and sponsored by a Regular Member. Membership in the Chapter must be renewed annually. Student members can vote for, but cannot hold the office of President, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Section III. Partner Membership.
Individuals and organizations that have an interest in the nervous system can become Partner Members, with the approval of the Council. Partner Members cannot vote or become Officers or Councilors of the Chapter. Membership in the Chapter must be renewed annually.
Section IV. Dissolution of the Chapter.
The BANG Chapter shall be dissolved after a maximum period of one (1) year immediately following such time as it may have fewer than ten (10) Regular Members. Upon dissolution of the Chapter any remaining assets shall be conveyed to a registered charitable organization decided by the majority vote of the members.
Section V. Eligibility to Hold Office.
Only Regular members of the Chapter are eligible to hold office in the Chapter and to represent it in the affairs of the Society for Neuroscience.
Section VII. Dues and Assessments.
Council shall set annual dues and special assessments for the members of the Chapter during the regular annual meeting.
Bylaw IV. Officers.
Section I. President.
The President shall be the chief executive of the Chapter, shall preside at meetings of Council and Business Meetings of the Chapter, shall be responsible for executing policies determined by Council, shall act as spokesperson for the Chapter, and shall see that all Orders and Resolutions of the Council are carried into effect. The President shall also serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
Section II. Coordinating Secretary
The Coordinating Secretary, to be appointed by the President with approval of the Council, shall be responsible for everyday operations of the Chapter, arrangements for visiting speakers, seminars and contacts with the Society for Neuroscience.
Section III. Treasurer.
The Treasurer, to be appointed by the President with approval of the Council, shall be responsible for all moneys and valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Chapter and for full and accurate accounting of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Chapter and any other duties assigned by the President. The Treasurer shall have signatory powers, shall disburse the funds of the Chapter as may be ordered by the President, shall render to the President and Council at its regular meetings or when Council so requires, an account of the financial transactions and status of the Chapter. The Treasurer will attend Council meetings and must be a Regular Member of the Chapter.
Section IV. Election and Succession of the President.
The President shall be elected for a two-year term by an electronic vote and may be re-elected for another term. Election shall be by simple plurality of votes received thirty days after the distribution of the voting mechanism to all Regular and Student Members. The Council will serve as Nominating Committee; candidates may also be proposed in writing by the members of the Chapter.
Bylaw V. Council.
Section I. Composition of the Council.
Chapter affairs shall be conducted through a Council consisting of six elected Councilors, the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The Council can appoint up to six additional Councilors in order to assure appropriate representation across the Chapter. At least one of the appointed Councilors shall be a Student Member and at least one shall be a trainee with a PhD.
Section II. Election of Councilors.
The Councilors shall be elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected for another term.
Section III. Nomination of Councilors.
A slate of Regular and Student Member candidates for Councilor positions shall be prepared by the Nominating Committee. Additional candidates for Councilor may be nominated by letter to the President by Regular and Student Members.
Section IV. Voting.
Councilors shall be elected by a simple plurality of votes on mail ballots received.
Bylaw VI. Meetings and Quorum.
Section I. Annual
The Chapter shall hold an annual business meeting at a place and time designated by the Council.
Section II. Special Meetings.
A special business meeting may be called at any time by the President, or in case of his/her absence or disability, by the Council or at the request of at least ten (10) members. A notice specifying the purpose of such a meeting shall be mailed to each member at least ten (10) days previously thereto.
Section III. Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of not less than ten (10) regular members or 25% of membership, whichever is greater, at the business meetings of the Chapter, but in the absence of a quorum any number of attendees shall be sufficient to move adjournment to a fixed date.
Section IV. Non-business meetings.
Meetings for the purpose of scientific presentations or discussions, may be sponsored by the Chapter after they have been approved by the Program Committee. It is the duty of the President to notify all members of the Chapter in advance of non-business meetings.
Bylaw VII. Committees.
Section I. Standing Committees.
(1) Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of four Members. The President shall be chairman of the committee. The committee may appoint one Student Member and one PhD level trainee to the committee. The Council shall nominate more than four members to the committee and elect four.
(2) The Program Committee.
The Program Committee, composed of four Regular Members appointed by the Council, a Student Member, and a PhD level trainee appointed by the Council, and the President, shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual program and for any special scientific sessions sponsored and authorized by the Council. All proposals from the members for speakers or programs must be approved by the Program Committee before any action is taken. The Program Committee shall elect its own chairperson.
Section II. Special Committees.
Committees as necessary for the proper operation of the Chapter shall be established by the President and ratified by the Council.
Bylaw VIII. Amendments.
A proposed amendment to the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the President who will furnish all members of the Chapter with copies of the proposed amendment at least one month before either special or annual business meetings at which the amendment is to be discussed. Not more than one (1) week after the amendment has been discussed by the members at the business meeting, the President shall conduct an electronic ballot of members. The amendment will be adopted if it receives an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members voting.
Bylaw IX. Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the Chapter shall be the academic year commencing on the 1st day of July and ending on the 30th day of the following June.